I've been spending a lot of time on the road, working a couple of workshops or conferences a month, picking up leads for my clients and looking for that next big blockbuster. We're making deals too, however, and over the last 18 months my little band of clients has signed contracts adding up to 55 books. Not a record by any means, but not a bad average.
Some have been some nice deals, and some are helping my clients get their career started at a small house. That's important to me too, helping them grow their careers. When the current debut author deals hit the Publisher's Marketplace list it should put me in the first or second position of top dealmakers for getting debut authors launched.
When you visit my personal website, I hope you visit the 'Good News' page, which is where I post these success stories. If you do so now you will find congratulations for Max Elliott Anderson for a couple of contracts that he signed and which is for 11 books and is ultimately expected to represent NEARLY THIRTY TITLES. That's awesome! Four debut authors are getting a start at Crossover Publications, Richard Brown, Carolyn Rankin (with Ronni Hossli), Bobby Weaver, and Steve Hutson. Congratulations to them. Caron Guillo is another debut author that recently signed with Written World Communications, Graham Garrison signed a contract for the sequel to his new book from Kregel, and I even signed a couple of new deals for five books myself.
Also on the good news page you will see that Jennifer Hudson Taylor has a new book, Highland Blessings, releasing in a couple of months with a couple of others working through to that point. There are several that just released such as Trish Porter's Rekindle Your Dreams, Graham Garrison's Hero Tribute, Tammy Barley's Loves Rescue, and my own On The Road Home.
I encourage you to browse the Good News page anytime you stop by the website.
Have a Wonderful Easter as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior.