Monday, November 15, 2010

Writing at the Ranch

Saundra and I just returned from spending most of the week at the "Writing at the Ranch" Christian Writer's Conference at the Ghost Ranch outside of Abique New Mexico. It was a wonderful experience. No cell service and limited email service so it is more of a retreat. It seemed an inconvenience at first but then I came to understand that it was a blessing.

For me the zenith of the event was visiting with Bruce Wilkerson and hearing him give an awesome presentation. It was based on his book "For This You Were Made." Opened up our minds to new avenues in our lives. This is a picture of him signing a book for my wife Saundra.

During the course of the week attendees were teamed up with mentors and worked each day on a short piece for inclusion in an anthology that will be published following the conference. I had three writers in my group and the quality of their work was exceptional so I am sure the others will be as well. There will be material in it from some well published authors as well as be the initial publishing credit for some very talented new people. Great project.

During the event I decided to retire one of the programs I have been offering but as a result of meeting with a number of people have launched a new one to take its place. It is titled "It isn't my job to sell your manuscript," but quickly goes on to say it will be much more successful if it is 'OUR' job. I go into my 'team approach' concept for representing authors. I wrote the basic course outline as Saundra drove on the way home and it has already been booked into two conferences. Life is fun.

The quality of the pitches that were made to me were very good as was all of the content of the various programs and workshops.

I was pressed into service to read some of my cowboy poetry at the Friday night event and it was pretty well received. By that I mean nobody pelted the stage with anything.

If you are looking to get a conference on your calendar for next year I strongly recommend this one both as conference and as a retreat. There is a limit to the number they can take so you might want to get it on your schedule. You can find out more at

1 comment:

Cheryl Linn Martin said...

Glad you had such a great time, Terry!

Enjoyed the pictures.