A beautiful sunrise is reflecting off the Platt River which runs below the lodge here at the Nebraska Writer’s Guild conference at Mahoney State Park. It is early Sunday morning and I sit here on the balcony, Starbucks in hand reflecting on the conference wrapping up this morning with a special session of displays and resources for particularly resource writers.
President Sally Walker and her terrific team have orchestrated a great conference. A modest size and located in a writer-friendly retreat setting just outside of Omaha for travel convenience it opened on Friday night with a reading session giving Guild members the chance to do readings on their works in progress.
Saturday featured a balanced series of programs and workshops with something for everybody plus time for those who wished to pitch their fare to agents and editors (one of each). The food in the lodge was nothing short of excellent.
One of the attendees, Monty McCord is shown here trying to get an agent the easy way – with a gun and handcuffs.
A very economical conference, those in convenient distance in particular would do well to add it to your conference schedule for next year. More information may be found at http://www.nebraskawriters.org/ and I’m sure in a few months information for next years conference will go up there. I want to thank Sally and all of the NWG people for hosting Saundra and I so well, and for putting on an excellent conference.
PS. It is a real convenience traveling with a wife that is studying photography. Thanks to Saundra for these great pictures.
Love the handcuff picture.
It was an honor to get to know you and your beautiful bride Saundra. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation, and can't wait to get my copy of your "Survival" book.
Can we send you on a world peace-negotiating tour next? Those issues have been going on a few thousand years longer than the Civil War!
I had to pose for my own photograph with the handsome Monty McCord. I have a feeling it will be worth something when that WWA Spur finalist's book hits the market!
Thanks again for making the 2011 Spring Conference of the Nebraska Writers Guild such a memorable experience for all involved.
Lisa Kovanda
My husband and I did re-enacting for a number of years, til the kiddies got sun stroke and threw up all over my lovely CW dress where there was insufficient water to clean up, but I digress! Yuck! Anyway, he was General Hood of Texas? I think that's right, and we enjoyed the folks, N and S for a number of years. Sounds like this was a great conference!
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